All hail WWE's new #1 merchandise seller, the Best in the World, the Straight Edge Saviour: CM Punk! No one other than The Rock has taken John Cena's #1 spot in 5 years, and Punk has surpassed The Great One's numbers. If you think that's not a big deal, I point in you in the direction of Jeff Hardy and Rey Mysterio, two performers who stayed in the main event way longer than they had any right to do so almost entirely due to their merchandise sales. As soon as word of Punk's sales got out, the dirt sheets went from talking about how Vinnie Mac didn't "get" the Punk character and that he would probably see less attention to saying that WWE is going full speed ahead with a Punk mega-push. Sounds good to me. What can I say? I'm a Punk mark. I said it a few weeks ago: never count out the young adult male demographic.