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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Booker T: Watch How It's Done

All hail WWE's new #1 merchandise seller, the Best in the World, the Straight Edge Saviour: CM Punk! No one other than The Rock has taken John Cena's #1 spot in 5 years, and Punk has surpassed The Great One's numbers. If you think that's not a big deal, I point in you in the direction of Jeff Hardy and Rey Mysterio, two performers who stayed in the main event way longer than they had any right to do so almost entirely due to their merchandise sales. As soon as word of Punk's sales got out, the dirt sheets went from talking about how Vinnie Mac didn't "get" the Punk character and that he would probably see less attention to saying that WWE is going full speed ahead with a Punk mega-push. Sounds good to me. What can I say? I'm a Punk mark. I said it a few weeks ago: never count out the young adult male demographic.

The Hell in a Cell PPV was good throughout, but did feature a few questionable outcomes and that sort of thing. I didn't think that Sheamus should have beaten Christian, at least not cleanly, but oh well. Morrison looked stupid again by blowing a surprise match against a Cody Rhodes dressed in street clothes. Orton got beaten decisively by Mark Henry (couldn't they have let him kick out of one World's Strongest Slam?) only to beat him down after the match, meaning another match is likely down the road. That's stupid. The last two matches have made it clear that Orton has no way of beating him. But the biggest misstep of the night came with Alberto Del Rio regaining the WWE Title. Boy, was I off on that one. Ya see, WWE failed to plan ahead again and gave the belt to Cena even though they want him in a big tag match at Survivor Series. So they said, "Whoops," and gave him a 2-week reign instead of just leaving the belt on Del Rio. Never-mind that Del Rio clearly wasn't working as champ. The match itself, like most of the others, was worth watching. The outcome was just dumb.

Speaking of the big tag match at Survivor Series, word has it that WWE wants to get Punk and Stone Cold on The Rock and Cena's team, along with Triple H, in order to fight off the an anti-WWE team of Nash, Miz, R-Truth, and 2 others, possibly including Vince McMahon himself (that has to be a joke, don't ya think?). This sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. The pro-WWE team is going to be so strong that making anyone get eliminated is just going to be insulting to the viewers' intelligence. Honestly, Nash and... R-Truth aren't on the level of any of those guys. Wait, R-Truth is really getting a huge push along with The Miz? Really? REALLY? Wasn't that guy jobbing to Mason Ryan at the beginning of the year? They might even throw The Undertaker, shaved head and all, into the mix. As messy as that already sounds, barely any of those guys are on the regular, active roster. Ugh.

That's really all of the complaining I have to do for this week. Oh, actually there is one more thing: we're getting more Booker T thanks to Lawler being out. Booker and Cole talk so much that you can't hear JR, who is leaps and bounds ahead of them, say a word. It's aggravating. And since Booker never has a clue what he's talking about, I've decided to [lengthen this article by] doing my own "Fave Five."

Fave Five:

1.) CM Punk
No surprise here. I love him. You should too. He continues to deliver. I wanna hear him cut another promo. If I can scrap the money together, I might finally buy his merchandise, which will be the first time I've done so for anyone other than Edge (with the exception of a Batista cap I bought back at the height of his first World Title run). Can't wait to get my Straight Edge gloves.

2.) Cody Rhodes
This guy's on fire right now. He's clearly been skilled for quite some time, but if you had told me, even at the beginning of this year, that he was going to take off like this, I would have thought you were nuts. The IC Title is gaining back all kinds of prestige. He's taking on all kinds of main eventers and really pulling a lot of heat. His matches are always good. A title run at some point is inevitable, but thankfully, there's no rush. Also, his character is cheesy enough that it could probably only exist in this current PG era. I laugh pretty hard when he gets on the mic.

3.) Dolph Ziggler
A great deal of what I said about Cody is true about Dolph. He's not getting quite as much focus, but he's still doing well for himself and the US Title, and with his recent acquisition of mic skills, there's no reason why this guy won't be a major player in the main event before much longer. He also sells as well as anybody in the business. A better finisher might not hurt, though.

4.) Christian
It made me quite happy to hear Booker T play up Christian's cardio and how he just keeps coming at you. Indeed, Christian always delivers in the ring, no matter who he's facing. And he's so in-touch with being a weasly, wussy heel, that losing doesn't substantially hurt him. His promos, of course, are always right on point, and he's perfect for being one of the more important anti-HHH people. Get the lawyers! it's good to see him actually be treated like a main eventer, champion or not.

5.) Sheamus
If Henry makes it past his feud with Orton, I gotta think that Sheamus will be the one to take the strap off him. They are pushing him hard, and the crowd is right there for the ride. He's easy to like, and can pretty much work with anyone. I kind of wish they would stop having tell those stupid Irish folklore stories on the mic, because he CAN talk, but I guess it doesn't hurt him much, because his in-ring style seems to be what's really doing it for him. He's just a big, hulking guy who can do pretty much anything you would want him to. Sometimes it's just fun to see someone beat the hell out of everybody like that.

There you have it. And let me say this: Raw was GREAT this week. I ate up every bit of that final segment, though I think that it was stupid that they left all the major faces out of it. Triple H has quite the presence about him that makes him great for that role, just like Vince always did. Let's hope that A.) The ratings actually improve and B.) Smackdown holds up its end.

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